Monday 26 October 2009

Apa Makna Pelayanan Buat-mu, hi orang Methodist?

Posted by Tiny Mu at 08:24 0 comments

Saya suka lambang Methodist yang begitu indah, dengan lidah api yang tampak menyala-nyala mengibaratkan pelayanan yang terus bersemangat dan tidak pernah padam. Kira-kira beberapa menit yang lalu saya berbicara melalui rekan saya di Kepengurusan Nasional melalui google talk mengenai KONAG yang baru saja dilaksanakan beberapa hari yang lalu, ternyata hasilnya baru saja terpilih satu BISHOP kita yaitu BISHOP AMAT TUMINO. Lalu bagaimana dengan yang satunya lagi? Mengingat GMI terbagi dari 2 wilayah. Apakah kita akan kembali kepada satu kebishopan? Rasanya itu tidak mungkin, mengingat GMI semakin berkembang dan banyak harus dikerjakan oleh para BISHOP tentunya. KONAG ISTIMEWA adalah jalan keluarnya? Tidakkah para peserta KONAG memikirkan berapa banyak biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan KONAG ISTIMEWA? Hi P3MI, kemana saja kalian? Dengar tidak jeritan GMI? Bahwa kita membutuhkan biaya yang lebih lagi demi terlaksananya KONAG ISTIMEWA karena belum ada BISHOP yang terpilih? Dimana semangat pelayanan tersebut? Apakah lambang GMI hanya sebuah lambang? Ada apa sebenarnya? Kami ingin tahu dan kami sebagai P3MI berhak tahu. Atau tidak usah pedulikah kami terhadap GMI? Atau kami yang terlalu mencampuri? Atau kami yang terlalu merasa kalau GMI adalah bagian dari kami? Lalu apa yang seharusnya kami perbuat? Masih adakah arti pelayanan yang sesungguhnya di dalam tubuh GMI? Atau makna itu sudah berubah ketika kita duduk di bangku kekuasaan? Perlukah terlibat hal-hal yang bersifat politik di dalamnya? Lantas, apa makna sebenarnya dari pelayanan kita? Perlukah aspirasi dari P3MI ini diutarakan atau hanya ada didalam hati saja?

Pemilihan Pengurus 2009 - 2010 HIMA BS FKIP UKI

Posted by Tiny Mu at 03:17 0 comments
Hari ini ada pemilihan pengurus 2009 - 2010 HIMA (Himpunan Mahasiswa) Jurusan BS (Bahasa & Seni) atau lebih tepatnya jurusan Bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Kristen Indonesia. Selamat atas terpilihnya para pengurus yang baru dan terima kasih untuk pengurus lama yang telah menjalankan tugasnya di periode sebelumnya, terlepas dari pada kekurangan dan kelebihan pengurus yang sebelumnya, diharapkan agar para pengurus yang baru dapat memikirkan hal-hal dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat mengembangkan dan memajukan kampus tentunya, terutama dalam mengembalikan citra kampus UKI yang makin lama makin merosot akibat ulah beberapa orang yang menyebut mereka mahasiswa tapi tidak berpenampilan dan bertindak selayaknya sebagai seorang mahasiswa atau kaum intelektual.

Pada waktu sekarang ini, sosok para pemimpin yang dibutuhkan bukan hanya pintar, tetapi juga yang dapat mengendalikan emosi mereka dengan baik, berintegritas yang artinya juga tidak mudah dihasut, tetapi mampu mencerminkan keberadaan dirinya dengan baik dimana pun ia berada dan di tempatkan. Melakukan suatu perubahan memang tidak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan tetapi juga harus dengan ketekunan dan usaha dan ingatlah bahwa jerih payahmu tidak akan sia-sia. Bila kita tidak memulainya dengan doa, keyakinan dan usaha dari dalam diri kita, lantas siapa yang akan memulai suatu perubahan? UKI maju bukan hanya karena usaha iklan, marketing, rektor, dekan, dosen dan para karyawan tetapi juga karena kualitas dari mahasiswa-i. Marilah membangun suatu kegerakan yang baru, bukan dengan 'otot' tapi dengan 'otak'. So, bekerjalah dengan baik para pengurus yang baru.

Berikut adalah BPH (Badan Pengurus Harian) HIMA BS 2009 - 2010:

Agnes Nastiti (Ketua)

Nerdinia (Sekretaris)

Lestari Suryatama (Bendahara)

Sunday 25 October 2009

English Tenses

Posted by Tiny Mu at 09:25 0 comments

English Tenses

Signal words






Present Simple

every day







first ... then
something happens repeatedly

how often something happens

one action follows another

things in general

after the following verbs (to love, to hate, to think, etc.)

future meaning: timetables, programmes
he/she/it + -s
I work.
I don't work.
Do I work?
He works.
He doesn't work.
Does he work?
I go.
I don't go.
Do I go?
He goes.
He doesn't go.
Does he go?


Present Continuous


at the moment


something is happening at the same time of speaking or around it

future meaning: when you have already decided and arranged to do it (a fixed plan, date)
to be (am/are/is) +
infinitive + -ing
I'm working.
I'm not working.
Am I working?
He's working.
He isn't working.
Is he working?
I'm going.
I'm not going.
Am I going?
He's going.
He isn't going.
Is he going?





last ...

... ago

in 1990

action took place in the past, mostly connected with an expression of time (no connection to the present)

infinitive + -ed

2nd column of table of irregular verbs
I worked.
I didn't work.
Did I work?
He worked.
He didn't work.
Did he work?
I went.
I didn't go.
Did I go?
He went.
He didn't go.
Did he go?


Past Continuous

an action happened in the middle of another action

someone was doing sth. at a certain time (in the past) - you do not know whether it was finished or not
was/were +
infinitive + -ing
I was working.
I wasn't working.
Was I working?
He was working.
He wasn't working.
Was he working?
I was going.
I wasn't going.
Was I going?
He was going.
He wasn't going.
Was he going?











so far,

up to now,



you say that sth. has happened or is finished in the past and it has a connection to the present

action started in the past and continues up to the present
have/has +
past participle*

*(infinitive + -ed) or (3rd column of table of irregular verbs)
I have worked.
I haven't worked.
Have I worked?
He has worked.
He hasn't worked.
Has he worked?
I have gone.
I haven't gone.
Have I gone?
He has gone.
He hasn't gone.
Has he gone?
Present Perfect





all day

the whole day

how long


action began in the past and has just stopped

how long the action has been happening

emphasis: length of time of an action
have/has + been + infinitive + -ing
I have been working.
I haven't been working.
Have I been working?
He has been working.
He hasn't been working.
Has he been working?
I have been going.
I haven't been going.
Have I been going?
He has been going.
He hasn't been going.
Has he been going?









mostly when two actions in a story are related to each other: the action which had already happened is put into Past Perfect, the other action into Simple Past

the past of the Present Perfect
had + past participle*

*(infinitive + -ed) or (3rd column of table of irregular verbs)
I had worked.
I hadn't worked.
Had I worked?
He had worked.
He hadn't worked.
Had he worked?
I had gone.
I hadn't gone.
Had I gone?
He had gone.
He hadn't gone.
Had he gone?
Past Perfect Progressive

Past Perfect Continuous

how long


how long something had been happening before something else happened
had + been + infinitive + ing
I had been working.
I hadn't been working.
Had I been working?
He had been working.
He hadn't been working.
Had he been working?
I had been going.
I hadn't been going.
Had I been going?
He had been going.
He hadn't been going.
Had he been going?
will - future

predictions about the future (you think that sth. will happen)

you decide to do sth. spontaneously at the time of speaking, you haven't made a decision before

main clause in type I of the if clauses
will + infinitive
I'll work.
I won't work.
Will I work?
He'll work.
He won't work.
Will he work?
I'll go.
I won't go.
Will I go?
He'll go.
He won't go.
Will he go?
going to - future

when you have already decided to do sth. in the future

what you think what will happen
be (am/are/is) + going to + infinitive
I'm going to work.
I'm not going to work.
Am I going to work?
He's going to work.
He's not going to work.
Is he going to work?
I'm going to go.
I'm not going to go.
Am I going to go?
He's going to go.
He's not going to go.
Is he going to go?
Future Progressive

Future Continuous

An action will be in progress at a certain time in the future. This action has begun before the certain time.

Something happens because it normally happens.
will + be + infinitive + ing
I'll be working.
I won't be working.
Will I be working?
He'll be working.
He won't be working.
Will he be working?
I'll be going.
I won't be going.
Will I be going?
He'll be going.
He won't be going.
Will he be going?




Future Perfect


sth. will already have happened before a certain time in the future
will + have + past participle*

*(infinitive + -ed) or (3rd column of table of irregular verbs)
I'll have worked.
I won't have worked.
Will I have worked?
He'll have worked.
He won't have worked.
Will he have worked?
I'll have gone.
I won't have gone.
Will I have gone?
He'll have gone.
He won't have gone.
Will he have gone?






sth. will already have happened before a certain time in the future

emphasis: length of time of an action
will + have + been + infinitive + ing
I'll have been working.
I won't have been working.
Will I have been working?
He'll have been working.
He won't have been working.
Will he have been working?
I'll have been going.
I won't have been going.
Will I have been working?
He'll have been going.
He won't have been going.
Will he have been working?

sth. that might happen

main clause in type II of the Conditional sentences
would + infinitive
I would work.
I wouldn't

Would I

He would work.
He wouldn't work.
Would he

I would go.
I wouldn't go.
Would I go?
He would go.
He wouldn't

Would he





sth. that might happen

emphasis: length of time of an action

would + be + infinitive + ing
I would be working.
I wouldn't be working.
Would I be working?
He would be working.
He wouldn't be working.
Would he be working?
I would be going.
I wouldn't be going.
Would I be going?
He would be going.
He wouldn't be going.
Would he be going?

sth. that might have happened in the past

(It's too late now.)

main clause in type III of the if clauses
would + have + past participle*

*(infinitive + -ed) or (3rd column of table of irregular verbs)
I would have worked.
I wouldn't have worked.
Would I have worked?
He would have worked.
He wouldn't have worked.
Would he have worked?
I would have gone.
I wouldn't have gone.
Would I have gone?
He would have gone.
He wouldn't have gone.
Would I have gone?






sth. that might have happened in the past

(It's too late now.)

emphasis: length of time of an action

would + have + been + infinitive + ing
I would have been working.
I wouldn't have been working.
Would I have been working?
He would

have been going.
He wouldn't have been going.
Would he

have been working?
I would have been going.
I wouldn't have been going.
Would I have been going?
He would have been going.
He wouldn't have been going.
Would he

have been going?

We sometimes use Continuous instead of Progressive. Some signal words can be found in more tenses. We did not list signal words in the future tenses as there are no definite ones. Always remember what action is described. Source:

English Tenses - Diagram

Posted by Tiny Mu at 09:06 0 comments

English Grammar - The Tenses

Posted by Tiny Mu at 03:15 0 comments

English Grammar - The Tenses

One sentence is put into different tenses. You can see how the meaning changes.
The words in green are signal words. They tell you which tense you have to use.

Simple Present
I play football every week.

Here you want to say that it happens regularly.
Present Progressive
I'm playing football now.
Here you want to say that it is happening at the moment.
Simple Past
I played football yesterday.
You did it yesterday, it happened in the past.
Past Progressive
I was playing football the whole evening.
You were doing it in the past. It's not sure whether the action was finished or not.
Present Perfect
I have just played football.
You have just finished it. So it has a connection to the present. Maybe your clothes are dirty.
Present Perfect Progressive
I have been playing football for 2 hours.
You want to say how long you have been doing it. (You started in the past and it continues up to the present.
Past Perfect
I had played football before Susan came.
The two actions are related to each other: you had finished to play football and after that the girl arrived.
Past Perfect Progressive
I had been playing football when Susan came.
Here you want to point out how long you had been doing it before the girl came.
I will play football next week.
This is a prediction, you can probably do something else.
going to-future
I'm going to play football this afternoon.
This is a plan you've made.
Future Progressive
I will be playing football next Sunday.
You do it every Sunday (as usual)
Future Perfect
I will have played football by tomorrow.
You will have done it before tomorrow.

I would play football.
You'll probably do it.

I would be playing football.
You'll probably do it. Here you concentrate more on the progress of the action.

I would have played football.
You'll probably have finished playing football at a special time in the future. Here you concentrate on the fact (football).


I would have been playing football.
You'll probably have finished playing football at a special time in the future. Here you concentrate on the progress of playing (football).

Negations of the sentences

Simple Present
I do not play football every week.

I don't play football every week.
Present Progressive
I am not playing football now.

I'm not playing football now.
Simple Past
I did not play football yesterday.

I didn't play football yesterday.
Past Progressive
I was not playing football yesterday.

I wasn't playing football yesterday.
Present Perfect
I have not played football.

I haven't played football.

I've not played football.
Present Perfect Progressive
I have not been playing football.

I haven't been playing football.

I've not been playing football.
Past Perfect
I had not played football.

I hadn't played football.

I'd not played football.
Past Perfect Progressive
I had not been playing football.

I hadn't been playing football.

I'd not been playing football.
I will/shall not play football next week.

I won't play football next week.
going to-future
I am not going to play football this afternoon.

I'm not going to play football this afternoon.
Future Progressive
I will/shall not be playing football.

I won't be playing football.
Future Perfect
I will/shall not have played football.

I won't have played football.
Conditional Simple
I would not play football.

I'd not play football.
Conditional Progressive
I would not be playing football.

I wouldn't be playing football.

I'd not be playing football.
Conditional Perfect
I would not have played football.

I wouldn't have played football.

I'd not have played football.
Conditional Perfect Progressive
I would not have been playing football.

I wouldn't have been playing football.

I'd not have been playing football.


Simple Present
Do you play football?
Present Progressive
Are you playing football?
Simple Past
Did you play football?
Past Progressive
Were you playing football?
Present Perfect
Have you played football?
Present Perfect Progressive
Have you been playing football?
Past Perfect
Had you played football?
Past Perfect Progressive
Had you been playing football?
Will you play football?
going to-future
Are you going to play football?
Future Progressive
Will you be playing football?
Future Perfect
Will you have played football?
Conditional Simple
Would you play football?
Conditional Progressive
Would you be playing football?
Conditional Perfect
Would you have played football?
Conditional Perfect Progressive
Would you have been playing football?

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Saturday 24 October 2009

With My Friends @ UKI

Posted by Tiny Mu at 09:15 0 comments

Ini dia teman-teman ku di UKI kampus tercinta, mereka lucu-lucu, centil, manis n baik hati loh... kalau mau di kenalin tanya aja ya sama aku. hehehehe...

Sharing foto liburan akhir semester 4 - September 2009

Posted by Tiny Mu at 09:09 0 comments

Malaysia again... hahaha... jangan bosan ya sama Negara yang satu ini, walaupun NKRI n Malaysia belakangan lagi banyak perseteruan yang tidak jelas, terus mau bagaimana lagi? kekasih tercintaku kampung halamannya disana, jadi ya sering dech main kesana, supaya lebih familiar tentunya dengan lingkungan dan keluarganya. Foto diatas di ambil di China Town - Petaling Street, Kuala Lumpur waktu lagi cari oleh-oleh untuk dibawa pulang ke Indo tentunya. Really nice holiday there...

My Favourite Song of Don Moen - We've Come to Bless Your Name

Posted by Tiny Mu at 08:43 0 comments

Don Moen - We've Come To Bless Your Name lyrics

We’re here because of grace
A part of Your great plan
We have come to seek Your face
Not the wonders of Your hands
And yes we need Your touch
But You’ve given us so much
That we just want to thank You
For all You’ve done for us 

We’ve come to bless Your name
King of kings and Lord of lords
We’ve come to give You praise
You are the One that we adore
O Lord cleanse our hearts with fire
And fill us with desire for Your courts
For Your presence in our lives

Lord You’ve made a way
Because of Your great love
And our hearts are filled with praise
For all that You have done
There is none like You
So faithful and so true
And we just want to thank You
For all You’ve brought us through

We’ve come to bless Your name
King of kings and Lord of lords
We’ve come to give You praise
You are the One that we adore
O Lord cleanse our hearts with fire
And fill us with desire for Your courts
For Your presence in our lives 2x


We’ve come to bless Your name
King of kings and Lord of lords
We’ve come to give You praise
You are the One that we adore
O Lord cleanse our hearts with fire
And fill us with desire for Your courts
For Your presence in our lives 2x

Lyrics | Don Moen lyrics - We've Come To Bless Your Name lyrics

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