Friday 18 May 2012

Visit Us!

Posted by Tiny Mu at 21:56 0 comments

Yeah! Finally, I have edited my website: Tiny-Store since two years ago. Sekarang bisnisnya bukan lagi laptop dan aksesoris komputer, tapi lebih Girlish. Tiny-Store fokus kepada Fashion, Beauty and Trend. Anyway, masih berharap suatu saat punya toko/counter sendiri yang lebih mantap, sementara ini cukup puas dengan toko online yang telah direvisi beberapa hari ini. Sementara ini, untuk kategori Fashion, Tiny-Store menyediakan fashion yang stylish, up-to-date dengan harga yang terjangkau tentunya, untuk kategori Beauty, Tiny-Store memilih Laneige dan Etude sebagai produk yang sangat digemari di Korea saat ini, untuk kategori Trend, Tiny-Store juga menyediakan smartphone case buatan Korea "Happymori". Kedengarannya semua berbau Korea ya? Selain K-Pop or K-Drama, fashion, kosmetik dan trend Korea memang sangat digemari saat ini.Jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan trend terkini ya?

Visit us:
Facebook: Tiny-Store
Twitter: @tiny_mu

Saturday 23 April 2011

Drama is the part of my life

Posted by Tiny Mu at 02:53 0 comments
Saya suka sekali menonton drama, karena hobi yang satu ini maka saya akan jatuh cinta pada tokoh yang menurut saya sangat menarik dan logic. Karena kecanduan ini, makanya membuat saya terinspirasi supaya suatu saat nanti saya bisa menulis beberapa cerita pendek. hahaha... Berikut ini adalah beberapa referensi drama yang paling saya sukai:

1. Pride and Prejudice (English). Drama klasik yang ditulis oleh Jane Austen dan diterbitkan pertama kali pada tahun 1813. Karakter Ms. Elizabeth Bennet yang menarik perhatian Mr. Darcy membuat saya memutuskan untuk menjadikannya sebagai bahan penelitian proyek akhirnya (skripsi). Drama produksi BBC tahun 1995 adalah drama yang paling menyerupai novelnya.

2. The World They Live In aka Worlds Within (Korean). Dari sekian banyak drama Korea yang saya tonton saya paling suka drama ini karena saya salah satu fan Song Hye-kyo (송혜교) dan saya sudah menonton 4 kali dan akan menonton lagi kapan saja jika saya ingin. Ratingnya tidak begitu baik ketika diputar di Korea untuk pertama kalinya, tetapi Song Hye-kyo (송혜교) maupun Hyeon Bin (현빈) mendapatkan awards pasangan terbaik KBS tahun 2008 untuk drama ini, juga cinta mereka mulai terbangun karena drama ini, jadi saya merekomendasikannya untuk ditonton. Ceritanya sangat logic, tapi bila menonton menggunakan subtitle Indonesia, pasti akan sangat membingungkan dan membosankan, saran saya lebih baik menggunakan subtitle bahasa Inggris. Bila masih tidak mengerti, saya akan dengan senang hati menjelaskan setiap adegan (^_^)

3. It Started With a Kiss dan They Kiss Again (Taiwan). Diperankan oleh Ariel Lin (林依晨; pinyin: Lín Yī Chén) dan Joseph (Joe) Cheng (郑元畅; pinyin: Zhèng Yuánchàng). Ceritanya lucu dan romantis, sangat menghibur sekali. Soundtrack yang dinyanyikan oleh Ariel Lin sendiri juga enak didengar.

4. Princess Pearl or Huán Zhū Gé Gé (China). Saya masih SMP, ketika saya menonton drama kolosal ini. Putri Huán Zhū yang ceria, nakal dan baik hati merupakan sosok yang sangat unik pada saat itu. Sejak saat itu saya suka sekali dengan Vicki Zhao (赵薇/Zhào Wēi).

Masih ada banyak drama favorit, tapi untuk hari ini cukup dulu ya...

Friday 12 February 2010

Introducing Malaysian Food... "Roti Canai Telur with Tea O Ice Limau"

Posted by Tiny Mu at 03:23 0 comments

"Roti Canai Telur with Tea O Ice Limau"
all only RM 4.80

Introducing Malaysian Food... "Headfish Mie Hun"

Posted by Tiny Mu at 03:01 0 comments
Headfish Mie Hun
 Breakfast - 12 February 2010
RM 5.00

Introducing Malaysian Food... "Frog Steamboat"

Posted by Tiny Mu at 02:52 0 comments
Dinner ~ 11 February 2010
Nice and cheap. Only RM 6.00

Thursday 21 January 2010

Resiko Perokok Pasif

Posted by Tiny Mu at 11:13 0 comments

Asap rokok mengandung sekitar 4000 bahan kimia, dan 43 diantaranya merupakan bahan kimia yang bersifat karsinogen (zat kimia yang menimbulkan kanker). Dari begitu banyaknya bahan kimia, yang dihirup perokok aktif hanya 15 persen. Sementara 85 persen lain dilepaskan dan dihirup para perokok pasif.

Asap rokok yang dihirup perokok pasif disebut sidestream smoke (asap samping). Dari sebatang rokok yang terbakar, dihasilkan asap samping dua kali lebih banyak daripada asap utama. Resiko kesehatan perokok pasif sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan perokok aktif.

Perokok pasif beresiko terserang beberapa penyakit. Misalnya infeksi paru dan telinga, gangguan pertumbuhan paru, atau bahkan dapat menyebabkan kanker paru. Paparan asap rokok juga memberi pengaruh buruk pada pankreas, sebagai regulator insulin gula. Sehingga perokok pasif juga terancam penyakit diabetes.

Semakin sering menghirup asap rokok, akan rawan terkena infeksi. Karena asap ini mengandung zat yang dapat menurunkan daya tahan tubuh. Jika kita berada pada lingkungan perokok, disarankan menambah asupan vitamin C.

Untuk mengamankan kesehatan dari pengaruh asap rokok, kita bisa memisahkan diri kurang lebih sekitar 180 cm dari perokok aktif. Yang paling penting, kita juga harus menghindar dari arah terpaan kepulan asap si perokok. (car)

Sumber :

Monday 21 December 2009

My Privilege Village

Posted by Tiny Mu at 09:04 0 comments
Pontianak, Indonesia

Pontianak is the capital of the Indonesia province of West Kalimantan. It is a medium-size industrial city on the island of Borneo. It occupies an area of 107.82 km² in the delta of the Kapuas River, at approximately 1143 km, the longest river in Indonesia and the 133rd-longest river in the World by length. It is located precisely on the equator.

The city was formerly the capital of the independent sultanate of Pontianak and was founded in 1772 around an old trading station on the Borneo coast. It is built on swampy ground that is subjected to regular flooding by the river, requiring buildings to be constructed on piles to keep them off the ground. It has its name due to the story that the founder had seen appearance of pontianak ghost at the place to be built for the palace, which he fought to save the people.

During the Japanese occupation of 1942 to 1945, more than 21,000 people in Pontianak (including women and children) were kidnapped, tortured and massacred by Japanese troops. Japanese intelligence had become concerned ethnic Chinese were planning to start a rebellion, and were worried that people in the city had received guns and ammunition from the Chinese government.

After the end of war, the Japanese officers in Pontianak were arrested by allied troops and brought in front of an international military tribune. During the trial, it was revealed that the plan to start the rebellion did not exist and instead was only an imaginary plan created by Japanese officers who wanted to get promoted.

The massacre occurred from April 23, 1943 to June 28, 1944 and most of the victims were buried in several giant wells in Mandor (88 km from Pontianak). Allied forces occupying the area after the war found several thousand bones, and more than 60 years after the massacre, several secret graves of the victims were found in Mandor and the surrounding areas.

A monument called Makam Juang Mandor was created to commemorate this tragic event.

Pontianak is renowned for its food and regional produce. The main industries are shipbuilding and the production of rubber, palm oil, sugar, pepper, rice and tobacco. It was formerly Borneo's main centre for gold extraction. Pontianak is also recognised for being a trade hub between overseas cities and other cities in West Kalimantan province. It has also strong trade link with the city of Kuching, Malaysia. Trading activities are centered along the Kapuas River, which range from easternmost part of West Kalimantan province to South China Sea.

There are tens of primary schools and high schools operated by both state institutions as well as private and religious institutions. The University of Tanjung Pura, a state university, was established in Pontianak in 1963. In addition to this, there are other universities maintained by private institutions, one of the most notable among them is Christianity-influenced University of Widya Dharma, STMIK (Sekolah tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer), University of Panca Bhakti, State Islamic collage (STAIN), POLNEP (Politeknik Negeri Pontianak), and Muhammadiyah University.

The 2000 census put Pontianak's population at about 472,220.[1], with an intercensal estimate in 2006 of 509,804.[1] Pontianak is a multicultural city. It has a large minority population of Chinese alongside the majority native Indonesians. In fact, Chinese form the largest single ethnic group in the city. Most Chinese are of either Teochew or Hakka extraction. Teochew is the main lingua franca used among the Chinese, and Teochew are the dominant ethnic Chinese group in Pontianak. Native Indonesians are mainly Malay and Dayak people. Madurese and Javanese are also significant minorities. Most citizens of Pontianak use Malay accent of Indonesian, which is somewhat similar to that used in Malaysia.

Pontianak has six subdivisons;
East Pontianak - North Pontianak - Pontianak City - South Pontianak - South East Pontianak - West Pontianak

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